by Sylvia Ortiz, Founder of Macrolife Naturals | Apr 19, 2023 | MacroLife Blog
Miracle Reds Heart Health and Plant Sterols Are you familiar with the connection between heart health and plant sterols. You may have heard of them. You have no doubt eaten them. And if you want to lower your high cholesterol, you definitely need more of them....
by Sylvia Ortiz, Founder of Macrolife Naturals | Oct 18, 2022 | MacroLife Blog
Fall Into Beauty and Become an Anti-Ager! SLOW DOWN AGING Antioxidants not only help fight the elements responsible for the visible signs of aging, but can also soothe the skin, help it look more youthful, and revitalize dull looking skin by deactivating the free...
by Sylvia Ortiz, Founder of Macrolife Naturals | Sep 26, 2022 | MacroLife Blog
Help Your Kid’s Immunity Studies have shown that an alarmingly high percentage of children eat less than the minimum daily allowance of many essential nutrients. The best way to boost your child’s immunity is with quality, organic, fresh, unprocessed food and a source...
by Sylvia Ortiz, Founder of Macrolife Naturals | Jun 29, 2022 | MacroLife Blog
FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH or FOUNTAIN OF DISEASE How to create a FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH and avoid a FOUNTAIN OF DISEASE… What is a Foundation of Disease? Did you realize that disease is an inevitable part of life? If disease doesn’t take us out in our earlier years, no matter how...
by Sylvia Ortiz, Founder of Macrolife Naturals | Jun 23, 2022 | MacroLife Blog
How to Raise a Healthy and Vibrant Child As the summer draws near, the focus changes from school to camp and vacation for most parents. For many parents this traditionally means shopping for summer clothes and snacks, but in today’s competitive environment, many...
by Sylvia Ortiz, Founder of Macrolife Naturals | Jun 2, 2022 | MacroLife Blog
It’s time to start getting ready for summer! Especially if you want to be in good shape for your vacation trips, wherever you go. It takes a few weeks to be able to lose extra pounds so you can wear your bathing suit comfortably, or to build more muscle mass to show...